Provable security is a critical tool for analyzing the security of modern cryptographic primitives in order to achieve high assurance of trustworthy and secure cyber systems. Provable security methodology contributed greatly to the analysis of cryptographic schemes and protocols, as well as their implementations in trusted and secure systems. However, cryptographic primitives without a rigorous "proof" cannot be regarded as sound. Security flaws in many cryptographic schemes and protocols once considered secure without formal analysis have been discovered using Provable Security methodology. Although Provable Security provides confidence in using cryptographic schemes and protocols for various real-world applications, schemes with Provable Security are sometimes not efficient enough for practical purposes, and it may be difficult to verify the correctness of the proofs.

We will continue to promote “Practical Security” as the theme for ProvSec 2023. The event convened researchers and practitioners to provide a confluence of new practical cyber security technologies, including their applications and integration with IT systems in various industrial sectors.

This year we are organizing ProvSec 2023 in Wuhan.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission 12 March 2023, UTC+8 23:59:59 2 April 2023, UTC+8 23:59:59 (firmed time)
Notification 15 May, 2023
Camera-ready Version 30 May, 2023
Conference 20 - 22 October, 2023


We are pleased to inform the authors whose papers have been accepted to kindly prepare their camera-ready files in the Springer LNCS format. To ensure a smooth publication process, we kindly request the authors to submit their camera-ready files to no later than 30 May 2023.