Hongshan Hotel 1 Zhongbei Rd, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Accommodation is arranged in Hongshan Hotel. Single-bed rooms and twin-bed rooms are available. We recommend this hotel as it will bring you an exciting hotel experience by offering stylish and comfortable accommodation as well as the professional service. The hotel is close to Wuhan Railway Station and subway station, and conveniently connects to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport.
Single-Bed Room: 398 CNY/Day
Twin-Bed Room: 398 CNY/Day
Twin-Bed Room: 458 CNY/Day (Breakfast is included)
Breakfast: 60 CNY per person
How to Reach
By Air
The Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (武汉天河国际机场) is around 40km away from the hotel. It provides accessibility to both domestic and international flights. The Airport is well-connected with the major cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and most of the provincial capital cities. It takes about 40 mins to drive from the airport to the hotel.
By Rail
You may take the train to any of the following stations:
1. Wuhan Railway Station (武汉站), about 12km to the hotel.
2. Hankou Railway Station (汉口站), about 16km to the hotel.
3. Wuchang Railway Station (武昌站), about 3km to the hotel.
Public Transportation
1. From Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (IATA code: WUH): 2. From Wuhan Railway Station: 3.From Hankou Railway Station: 4.From Wuchang Railway Station:
Hotel Map